Newsletter: Feb 2023
Dear Residents,
The BOD would like to welcome all residents back to the Estate for a well-deserved break during the festive season. The BOD is excited to see what goals we will achieve together this year. The year is in full swing, and the BOD herewith brings the following important information to your attention:
- Annual General Meeting
- Phase 1 – Intrusion Detection Camera System Project – Update
- Phase 2 – Intrusion Detection Camera System
- Boundary Wall Maintenance Project
- Guarding Services – Tender Process
- Amended Estate Rules
- Alterations to communal property
- Reporting of contraventions and incidents // Estate Manager Availability
- House Maintenance
The Directors will keep you updated on Estate related matters. Please be assured of the best intention of the Directors and Estate Manager.
You can download the February 2023 newsletter here.
Kind regards
Heron Hill HOA: Directors